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Calf Slimming

  • TREATMENT TIME 15-30 mins
  • PAIN None to mild
  • RESULTS 4-14 days
  • RESULTS DURATION 3-6 months
  • PRICE From £400
  • What is Calf Slimming?
  • How does Calf Slimming work?
  • How is the treatment administered?
  • Side Effects
  • Before & After Gallery
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is Calf Slimming?

Calf slimming is a cosmetic procedure designed to reduce the size of the calf muscles for aesthetic purposes.

Individuals seeking calf slimming may desire a more streamlined and proportionate appearance of the lower legs. This procedure is often chosen by those with naturally muscular calves or individuals who have developed hypertrophy (enlargement) of the calf muscles due to factors such as genetics or physical activity.

How does Calf Slimming work?

Calf slimming involves the injection of Botox into specific areas of the calf muscles, particularly the gastrocnemius muscles. This procedure aims to weaken the muscles temporarily, leading to muscle atrophy and a reduction in calf size over time. The effects are gradual and typically last around 3 to 6 months, with regular maintenance treatments for sustained results. Calf slimming is considered a non-surgical approach for individuals seeking a more slender appearance in their lower legs.

How is the treatment administered?

Calf slimming involves the injection of Botox into specific areas of the calf muscles, particularly the gastrocnemius muscles. This procedure aims to weaken the muscles temporarily, leading to muscle atrophy and a reduction in calf size over time. The effects are gradual and typically last around 3 to 4 months, with regular maintenance treatments for sustained results. Calf slimming is considered a non-surgical approach for individuals seeking a more slender appearance in their lower legs.

Side effects


Calf slimming using Botox may cause temporary and mild side effects such as bruising, swelling, tenderness, redness, and temporary weakness in the calf muscles. Slight asymmetry in muscle relaxation is rare and often corrects itself over time. Severe side effects are uncommon when performed by a qualified professional. Following post-treatment care instructions and promptly reporting any unusual reactions are important. Individual responses may vary, and a thorough consultation with a qualified professional is recommended to discuss potential risks and benefits based on the patient’s specific circumstances.

Before & After Gallery

Asked Questions

Discomfort is usually minimal. Some practitioners may use a topical numbing cream to enhance comfort during the procedure.

Initial results may be noticeable within a few days, with full effects realized in about two weeks. The effects typically last around 3 to 6 months.

Botox effects are temporary, and if needed, the treatment's effects will gradually wear off. Open communication with your practitioner is key to achieving desired outcomes.

Yes, individuals must typically be over the age of 18 to undergo calf slimming. The procedure is not recommended for minors.

The safety of calf slimming, or any cosmetic procedure involving Botox, during pregnancy or breastfeeding has not been extensively studied. It is generally not recommended during this time.

Yes, calf slimming can be combined with other treatments for a more comprehensive lower leg aesthetic. Discuss your goals with your practitioner during the consultation.

While mild activities can usually be resumed immediately, intense physical activity may be recommended to be avoided for a short period after the procedure to optimize results. Consult with your practitioner for personalized advice.

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