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Lip Filler

  • TREATMENT TIME 30-45 mins
  • PAIN None to mild
  • RESULTS Immediate
  • RESULTS DURATION 6-15 months
  • PRICE From £250
  • What is Lip Filler?
  • How does Lip Filler work?
  • How is the treatment administered?
  • Side Effects
  • Before & After Gallery
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lip Filler?

Lip filler refers to a cosmetic procedure in which dermal fillers are injected into the lips to enhance their shape, volume, and overall appearance. The most commonly used fillers for this purpose are hyaluronic acid-based substances. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps maintain skin hydration and volume. When injected into the lips, it adds volume, smoothness, and contour to achieve a fuller and more defined look.

Lip fillers can provide a natural-looking enhancement, addressing concerns such as thin lips or asymmetry. The procedure is often quick, relatively non-invasive, and requires minimal downtime, making it a convenient option for those seeking immediate results. Additionally, the effects of lip fillers are reversible, as the hyaluronic acid gradually breaks down over time. This allows clients to explore different looks or adjust the results if needed. Overall, lip fillers can boost self-confidence by creating fuller, more youthful lips and enhancing facial harmony.

How does Lip Filler work?

Lip fillers involve injecting a gel, often composed of hyaluronic acid, into the lips to enhance their size and shape. Hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, attracts water, providing immediate volume and smoothness. Administered by a skilled professional using a fine needle or cannula, the procedure strategically places the filler for balanced and natural-looking results. The effects are instant, granting clients fuller and more defined lips.

The duration of results varies, with effects typically lasting several months. As the body naturally breaks down the hyaluronic acid over time, clients have the option to maintain the results through periodic touch-up treatments or allow the effects to gradually diminish. This flexibility, along with the quick and minimally invasive nature of the procedure, contributes to the popularity of lip fillers as a cosmetic enhancement option.

How is the treatment administered?

Lip filler treatment is administered by Dr Alexa in a brief and minimally invasive process. The procedure involves a consultation to discuss goals and set realistic expectations. After preparing the lip area, Dr Alexa strategically injects a hyaluronic acid-based filler using a fine needle or cannula. The immediate results include enhanced lip volume and definition, with any initial swelling typically subsiding within a few days. Post-treatment care instructions are provided, and the entire process is generally completed in about 30 minutes. While considered safe, it’s crucial to have the procedure performed by experienced professionals in a regulated environment.

Side effects

Lip filler treatments, generally safe, may have temporary side effects. Common issues include initial swelling, bruising, redness, or tenderness that usually resolve within days. Occasionally, lumps or unevenness may occur but can often be addressed with massage. Allergic reactions and infections are rare but possible, emphasizing the importance of hygiene and discussing allergies with the practitioner. Achieving perfect symmetry can be challenging, and subtle asymmetry may occur.

Following post-treatment care instructions and choosing a qualified professional, such as Dr. Alexa, can help manage expectations and minimize risks. Persistent concerns should be promptly addressed with the practitioner.

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Asked Questions

Dermal fillers are a man-made hyaluronic acid. It is near identical to the hyaluronic acid that is naturally within our bodies. Hyaluronic acid is a great ingredient in hydrating the skin because it is able to retain 1000 times its own weight in water.

Lip fillers are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment to help patients achieve fuller, plumper lips. These injectable treatments also fill lines and wrinkles and restore volume to lips that have lost their shape and structure as part of the ageing process. They provide immediate visible improvements to the lips by smoothing wrinkles and improving the appearance of deflated or saggy skin.

Yes. It is entirely down to you how enhanced you wish your lips to look. Dr Alexa is highly skilled medic with years of experience working in aesthetics. Staff at the clinic pride themselves on their light touch and ability to produce natural-looking results.

As lip fillers are a non-surgical procedure, they require non invasive surgery, cuts or stitches on the lips. Some patients may feel a slight sense of discomfort when having this injectable treatment. But it is usually very mild. Most patients will just feel a tiny scratch as the injection is applied and a tingling sensation as the filler is injected. We always apply a local anaesthetic to the treatment area (except the situation when a patient has an allergy to it) to completely minimise discomfort and the fillers itself contain local anaesthetic so it get number as the procedure goes along.

Results from this treatment are instant. There may be some slight swelling for a few days post treatment, but this will subside over time. Slight bruising where the injections have been made is possible, however our Doctor is extremely skilled and therefore the chances of any bruises or lumps is minimal.

Compared to most dermal fillers, lip fillers last between 4-6 months, but results can vary depending on the client. We recommend additional booster top-up treatments every six months to a year for patients who want to achieve year-round plumpness and structure in their lips. For patients who require subtle results, we recommend replenishments on a yearly basis. But every patient is different, so we tailor these top-ups depending on their unique visual needs.

As with many medical cosmetic treatments, it is not advisable to receive lip filler treatments while pregnant or breastfeeding. Dermal fillers have not been tested or verified for safety and efficacy on pregnant patients, so there is no concrete evidence to support the safety of fillers in this group of patients.

In the UK there is illegal to inject anyone with botulinum toxin or dermal fillers for cosmetic purposes. It does not matter if you or your parents or guardians give their permission for the procedures to take place. It is important to note that most people do not stop growing until they reach their early 20s; therefore, it is advised to wait until that age to have cosmetic work done.

There are a few things that you should be aware of before you have lip fillers done. In a professional clinic, you will be asked to come in for a consultation beforehand to make sure you are medically able to have them, and also discuss what you are hoping to achieve from the treatment. Taking blood thinners like ibuprofen and paracetamol can increase your chances of bruising, and although the bruises will fade after a few days, it might be something you would rather avoid if possible. The same can be said for drinking alcohol; you will be less likely to bruise if you avoid drinking alcohol for a couple of days before your treatment. This is because alcohol also thins the blood as well. Your best chance of avoiding bruising is to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.

The clinician or doctor will first apply numbing cream to your lips. This should reduce the discomfort during the treatment. It may still hurt a little bit, but should be a minor, tolerable pain and should only last a few seconds with each injection. They will then inject the filler into your lips, and you should feel a quick scratch similar to receiving any type of injection. Your lips might feel a little bit strange, remember a solution is being injected into your lips to fill them out so you might feel this sensation.

Apart from the negative health issues associated with smoking, is it advised to avoid smoking after the treatment, as well as using a straw. Having pressure in some parts of your lips can affect the outcome of your treatment. Beside that, smoking is known to dry out the skin and has been linked to premature ageing, so we would advise you refrain from smoking immediately post-procedure.

To avoid infection, we would advise to refrain from applying lipstick or lip gloss directly after receiving treatment. You can apply make up the next day after lip fillers.

Alcohol does not in any way interfere with the results of the procedure. However, doctors have recommended not drinking for 24 hours because alcohol enlarge blood vessels, which may increase susceptibility to bruising. If bruising is a major concern, follow this advice.

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